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Onsite CSSD Services

The Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) is integral to a healthcare facility. Improperly sterilised or broken surgical instruments and unexpected downtime can negatively impact the operating theater) and patient outcomes. STERIS's comprehensive services include onsite processing, maintenance, and contingency management, which can be customised to your facility's areas of need. We provide expertise for improving quality processing for your CSSD in compliance with Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) guidelines, validation partners, and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

Onsite Decontamination and Sterilisation Service

With expertise in CSSD, we offer comprehensive processing services to our Customers, such as surgical instruments, medical robotics, and endoscopes. STERIS is committed to the safe and effective management of your surgical inventory. To ensure patient safety, we embed principles of continuous improvement by dedicated training and development teams working across all our sites to align with continuous improvement and LEAN principles.

Why STERIS Onsite Decontamination and Sterilisation Services?

  • Improved quality and productivity of mapping surgical inventory
  • Enhanced surgical instrument tracking, providing real-time insights with SynergyTrak®
  • Robust decontamination parameters in cleaning, sterility, and ongoing life management of devices in compliance with HTM guidelines, validation partners, and OEMs
  • Ability to combine sterilisation and decontamination services with fully managed repair services for surgical instruments and devices

Contingency Decontamination and Sterilisation Services

Central Sterile Services Department

The CSSD is an integral part of the hospital; every healthcare provider is susceptible to unforeseen circumstances and should have contingency plans to process instruments safely and effectively when these events occur. Whether it is building work, planned or unplanned maintenance, technical issues, or a failure of your own CSSD, STERIS can help support your facility in continued processing.

We work closely with your facility to ensure effective decontamination and sterilisation services continue with minimal disruption to the operating theater and patients.

Why Contingency Decontamination and Sterilisation Services?

  • Offers reprocessing support without disruption when unplanned or planned events occur
  • Ability to support medical devices, surgical instruments, and endoscopes subject to network footprint in relation to your hospital location
  • Our contingency capabilities are supported by a network of STERIS facilities across the UK and Scotland
  • Supported by STERIS dedicated delivery fleet